Beautiful Skin In One Treatment By The Oxford Beauty Clinic - Call Us On 08 9227 5662

Beautiful Skin In One Treatment
By The Oxford Beauty Clinic
Call Us On 08 9227 5662

Beautiful Skin In One Treatment By The Oxford Beauty Clinic – Call Us On 08 9227 5662

The winter sun can really deplete your skin of vitamins, minerals, water and oxygen. That’s why it can look dry and dull. And there’s no room for that ever!

When your skin can’t get enough oxygen:

  • Pores enlarge so they can breathe
  • Skin breaks out to flush out toxins
  • Collagen and elastin break down causing wrinkles
  • Broken capillaries occur

As we get older, the ability to absorb oxygen lessens. Dehydration gets worse, skin gets rougher, flakier and those dreaded fine lines and wrinkles begin,

Why not take a cue from celebrities like Sandra Sully? She opts for a Hydra Facial to plump up her skin and infuse it with oxygen, vitamins, minerals, and water—just what your skin needs.

Unlike other “advanced” treatments, a Hydra Facial does not hurt and it does not have any side effects.

Enjoy a youthful glow every day and know that in the 24-48 hours following your Hydra Facial, your skin will actually look even better!

That will keep the neighbors guessing.

Beautiful Skin In One Treatment – Call Us On 08 9227 5662