This Hormone Regulates Everything Else In Your Body! By The Oxford Beauty Clinic
Although called a vitamin, vitamin D is actually a hormone that regulates everything else in your body.
In the last decade, science has uncovered just how important it is—from building stronger bones to anti-aging to immunity.
And if you don’t get enough vitamin D? Deficiency has now been linked to:
– Rosacea
– Eczema
– Psoriasis
– Heavy wrinkling
– Bone loss
It also helps to stave off some forms of depression, seasonal affective disorder, PMS, and sleeping disorders.
Because Vitamin D is only made in the skin it requires an inside out approach to get enough of this critical nutrient.
Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel are among some of the best natural sources of vitamin D. Beef liver, cheese, and egg yolks also provide small amounts of it.
proper intake of vitamin D can greatly improve skin conditions such as rosacea and heavy wrinkling, but the balance must take place topically and with diet.
Talk to your doctor about a blood test for vitamin D to see if your body is manufacturing enough of it. We can help you with the topical application. To learn more, just ask us!
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