Our Guarantee For The Totally Stressed Out By The Oxford Beauty Clinic

Our Guarantee For The Totally Stressed Out
By The Oxford Beauty Clinic

Our Guarantee For The Totally Stressed Out By The Oxford Beauty Clinic 

We get it. Most of life doesn’t come with a guarantee. You pay your money you take your chances.

But we don’t think it should ever be that way, especially when it’s your health! Life is stressful enough. That’s why we want to give the totally stressed out a guarantee.

If you’re sick and tired of your throbbing headache, aching back, tight, sore neck and shoulder muscles, high blood pressure, and insomnia, we’ve got a challenge for you.

Before you pop another pain pill or call your boss a name we can’t mention here, check out the unexpected benefits of massage and our offer.

Massage is clinically proven to help with stress-induced health conditions like the ones we just mentioned, and many others. Massage also significantly reduces the stress hormone, cortisol, which is one of the causes of abdominal fat.

Why does massage work? Well, the answer is more in the HOW. When you’re chronically stressed, muscles tighten and shorten. Blood can’t move easily. Fluid and inflammation build up causing you significant pain.

Massage breaks up lactic acid, which is symptomatic of stress. It also reduces excess fluid and inflammation. And those rubber band shoulders and neck muscles?

They finally get a free pass! Blood can flow easily so you don’t feel like a stiff Ken doll any more.

So here’s the throw down challenge for you. Get a massage package with us. We’ll take notes regarding your symptoms during your initial visit. After you finish your package, we’ll discuss with you the gains you’ve made.

If you don’t agree that your health has significantly improved, and that you can handle stress much better, we’ll give you a free massage.

Why would we do this? Bottom line…massage works!

What have you got to lose besides all that nasty stress?

Our Guarantee For The Totally Stressed Out – Call Us On 08 9444 2154