The Dangers Of Green Washing By The Oxford Beauty Clinic
Now that people are getting more and more into the organic and natural trend, companies that are into making a quick buck are joining the cause.
Unfortunately, these same companies don’t really consider whether their products live up to the standards they proclaim they have. They make products appear natural even though they are loaded with preservatives and chemicals. This is called green washing.
With the new scientific evidence demonstrating the essential inclusion of an antioxidant serum, ingredients such as green tea and vitamin C are added to every imaginable product.
The problem? Not all vitamin C is created equal, which means the product potency isn’t as beneficial.
Vitamin C is unstable, making it difficult to work with. Pairing it with vitamin E helps to stabilize this indispensable element, but again, it’s all in how it’s handled. Vitamin C, if exposed to air, can actually increase the formation of free radicals; making your skin age even faster than it normally would.
The products that we use and carry are known for their purity and commitment to skin care. You can rest assured that when you apply them on your skin, THEY WILL WORK.
You will never have to worry about green washing with us. Our highest commitment is to your skin.
The Dangers Of Green Washing – Call Us On 08 9444 2154