Why Your Skincare Products Aren’t Working Like They Should

Why Your Skincare Products Aren’t
Working Like They Should

Our clients often ask us why certain skincare products either don’t work or seem to have stopped working. Here’s what they say:

– “I’ve always used this brand. I don’t understand why it’s not working any more.”
– “It used to work but now my skin looks thick, heavy and dull!”
– “What do you mean it’s not what my skin needs? I’ve used it for years!”
– “My best friend loves it but it was just a waste of money for me.”
– “Why do I have adult acne now?”

What women often don’t understand is this: Your skin has changed. That happens as you age (sorry!).

Does your skin feel tight and dry after cleansing it? Or, does it feel like you could wash it several times before it finally gets clean? The wrong products combined with cheap ingredients and fillers wreak havoc!

Plus, water levels in your skin drop off and your skin looks unnaturally thick, heavy and dull.

These are sure signs that the products you’re using are too alkaline. When that happens your skin’s primary barrier, the acid mantle, can no longer work effectively.

Your skin becomes more susceptible to damage—and that means premature aging and even acne! Well, we can’t have that.

The best way to avoid these insults is to have us professionally analyze your skin. We can prescribe quality products perfect for subtracting unwanted years and adding a beautiful, healthy glow. Our aestheticians have spent 100’s of hours learning how the skin functions and how to treat it.

We can actually look beneath the surface of the skin and see what’s going on!

Cool, huh? That’s why a professional skin analysis is so valuable to you and to us. We can offer with complete confidence the right skincare products for you.

If you’re frustrated with how your skin looks, your make-up looks, or the overall appearance of your skin, come in for a professional skin analysis. We guarantee it will be worth your while!

Call Us On 08 9444 2154