Lifting The Oily Skin Curse By The Oxford Beauty Clinic – Call Us On 08 9227 5662

Do you have a shine by 11 a.m.? Already dreading what your face will look like by 5 p.m.?

We hear you! You want relief and you want it yesterday. By now you know the oily skin basics.

– Use skin care products designed for your oily skin
– Don’t over dry your skin. You’ll just create more oil
– Make sure everything you use is oil-free

But when these steps aren’t enough, it’s time to add more punch to your skin care.

Add a water-based serum that also contains hyaluronic acid, or HA, a naturally occurring substance in your body. HA attracts 1000% more water than its weight. That’s good news for your oily skin because water is what it’s missing. Continued use of HA reduces oil.

Exfoliate. When pores are clogged, nothing is moving. Your skin feels dry and rough, which makes your oil glands work even harder to try and lubricate your skin.

That’s why exfoliation is so important. At home, choose a clay mask to stimulate circulation and draw out impurities. Another good exfoliant is an enzyme mask with papaya, bromelain, or pumpkin. All are excellent exfoliants.

Professional Fruit Acid Peel. An alpha hydroxy or beta hydroxy acid treatment will clear clogged pores, minimize size and allow much better penetration of your skin care products.

Are you sensing a theme here? Exfoliation is the key to unclogging your pores, refining your skin, and allowing products to work more efficiently.

The results are reflected beautifully on your face!

Lifting The Oily Skin Curse – Call Us On 08 9227 5662